Collective Rest @ Work

Trusted by

  • Wieden + Kennedy
  • Lyft
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Walmart
  • SeatGeek
  • Huge Inc.
  • Instrument
  • Artsy
  • Passion Planner
  • NYC Dept of Education
  • It was impactful seeing the sticky notes from others and knowing how many people are struggling with rest. As a member of a leadership team, it was also important for me to see how many people feel guilty about resting because I can be more intentional about modeling rest behavior.

    Participant from World Wildlife Fund

  • I'm already feeling more grounded and peaceful than I've felt in weeks. I've learned a bit about rest from years of therapy, but never like this. I am going to put some of these teachings into practice as this was truly an invaluable experience.

    Participant from SeatGeek

  • This was a very powerful experience, especially doing it collectively with other participants. A really excellent structure that allowed us to go deep in both mind and body.

    Participant from Theater Communications Group

  • The fact that this was scheduled during work hours was powerful. I wasn't actually able to attend live (naturally, there was something "urgent") but because it was a "work webinar", I felt like I had permission to listen to it on Monday, when I had some free time and really, really needed the break.

    Participant from World Wildlife Fund

Collective Rest is a trauma-informed guided practice that helps you access deep states of rest, relaxation & recovery that are necessary for being and doing well in the workplace.

Collective Rest @ Work was designed during the pandemic with the unique challenges of hybrid & remote work cultures in mind

Collective Rest creates a community mental health experience that generates intimacy, vulnerability, and connection.

Each session begins with a group reflection and storytelling exercise to reveal the unconscious beliefs that get in the way of rest. Then, participants will be introduced to frameworks, concepts, and tools designed to empower actionable next steps in their rest journey. Lastly, participants sit or lie down for a guided relaxation journey featuring gentle breathwork, visualization, and yoga nidra meditation.

Participants will walk away feeling refreshed, clear, present, and grounded — more connected to themselves and to their colleagues.

Partner with us to embed a culture of rest into your organization to relieve stress, anxiety, and burnout while boosting creativity, focus, and connection!

“Working with Cassandra on a Collective Rest @ Work session was restful in itself as she actively listened to our vision and objectives for the session and proposed a meaningful, thoughtful event for all of our employees while also paying attention to the emotional labor that my other ERG co-leads and I took on ourselves to coordinate the activity.

She caringly shaped and led the company-wide discussions and practice in our time of need and invited us to take a step in the right direction for healing together.

We were so grateful for her ability to invite us into that collective headspace for the day as we've continued having productive conversations afterward on how we want to build our work culture. Thank you, Cassandra!”

— Minerva T. of WorkRamp

This holistic experience delivers ancient mind-body-spirit healing technologies, backed by cutting-edge scientific research, in an accessible format.

Join us for a soothing journey to that dreamy space between being fully awake and fully asleep where cellular-level healing happens.



Schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call to explore how Collective Rest can help!

Who is this for?

Collective Rest @ Work is suitable for corporate, non-profit, and community-based organizations. This experience can be tailored to a range of audiences — organization-wide, leadership or board members, teams, or affinity groups — based on your needs.

This practice is offered in an array of formats (ranging from 75 or 90 minutes to full day workshops to multi-day immersions) can be offered virtually or in-person*. Single-session rates and discounted package rates are available.

*This will depend on current COVID safety precautions


  • Integrate a culture that demonstrates care for the mental health and wellness of employees through the prioritization of rest

  • Foster a felt sense of community and genuine connection among employees in hybrid and/or remote work environments

  • Relieve stress, anxiety, and burnout in the workplace while boosting creativity, focus, and productivity

  • Address feelings of loneliness, alienation, and disconnection which negatively impact engagement

  • Embed rest practices into the work day to promote a sense of trust and increase morale within your organization

What People Are Saying

“I attended the Collective Rest session for Grief in May and had a deeply introspective and impactful experience. I attended a few weeks after learning my mom passed away.

Since that session, I've told EVERYONE about it and had been looking out for a follow-up for it. I was just about to give up on it when I got the email for an upcoming session at work and couldn't click 'Accept' fast enough.

Thank you Cassandra, and the team who organized this experience. I am deeply appreciative and am hoping we get more of these in the future.

They've definitely made a positive impact on my personal life and work life.”

— Collective Rest @ Work for a creative agency

“These things can be very hit or miss, but I thought this one in particular was very good.

I suffer from anxiety and depression. More anxiety at the moment, so it can be very hard for me to disconnect and give myself the space to just be. This allowed me to do that.”

— Collective Rest @ Work for a creative agency

“It had been a really emotional morning for 2 of our colleagues at our team retreat, but they felt so much better afterwards. 

Their whole attitude shifted and they were able to get out of a tough spiraling headspace. It was also a great way to engage folks who weren’t able to fly out!”

— Collective Rest @ Work for a non-profit’s team retreat

Potential Audiences

  • HR, People & Culture

    Invest in your organization's mental health to support retention, engagement, and employee satisfaction

  • DEI, ERGs & Affinity Groups

    Create safe and culturally-sensitive spaces that center the lived experiences and wellbeing of different affinity groups

  • Leadership & Teams

    Incorporate rest onto the agenda for your next team retreat, working session, or conference for a boost of creativity and connection

Case Study # 1 with Top Sports Apparel Company

In May 2022, the AAPI ERG and Mindfulness Community of a Top Sports Apparel Company collaborated to bring the Collective Rest experience to the organization.

We are currently exploring a longer-term partnership to serve their global offices 2023.

On a scale of 1-10, how RESTED do you feel?

How often would you like to attend Collective Rest?

What was the most impactful part of the experience for you?

  • “Having a guide to put you on a rest mode, the voice, the words, the music.”

  • “It feels like [company name redacted] cared by creating this space.”

  • “That work paid for us to rest.”

  • “Before I felt disconnected, unmotivated, and tired. Afterwards I feel hopeful, energized, calm, and in touch with myself.”

Case Study # 2 with Top Creative Agency

In September 2022, the AAPI ERG at a creative agency brought the Collective Rest experience to the organization. Due to a hybrid work environment and many new team members being pandemic hires, they’ve struggled in the past year to grow engagement, attendance, and participation rates.

The Collective Rest @ Work session successfully generated conversation and excitement from members for more facilitated experiences like this. Based on these findings, we’re currently in talks about a longer term partnership for 2023.

On a scale of 1-10, how RESTED do you feel?

How often would you like to attend Collective Rest?

What was the most impactful part of the experience for you?

  • “I found the discussion/prompt around rest so interesting and revealing!”

  • “Being able to open up, be vulnerable and just be in this restful / restorative space with my peers. Getting an hour in our work day to REST. I had one of the best nights of sleep of my life that night and didn't wake up in the middle of the night for the first time in a while.”

  • “The first activity with the stickies I thought was very impactful! Would love to have more activities like this that spark discussion. It felt very validating to read and discuss with a wider group.”

“I loved the Collective Rest @ Work session from beginning to end and really appreciate how well-thought out it was.

The activity at the beginning allowed us to create a safe space among peers by discussing our similar perceptions about rest, and that allowed me to let go of so many of these preconceived notions within the practice and see them for what they were — just notions.”

— Collective Rest @ Work Participant

Hi, I’m Cassandra!

I’m a somatic healing facilitator guiding people who feel tired, stressed, and stuck-in-survival to rest. My mission is to embed rest back into our culture for the good of all people and our planet.

I started Collective Rest to help people who want to take better care of their physical, mental, and emotional health through rest… but struggle to make the change.

Many of us feel ashamed that we’re “bad” at rest. We know we’re tired. We know that this isn’t sustainable. But we don’t know anything else… yet. This is where Collective Rest can help!

Since March 2021, my community-centered, trauma-informed, and body-based approach to rest has helped thousands of people to slow down and sleep better.